Reminder Worldwide Congress Tomorrow March 24
8 AM – 12 PM 4 Hours Central time Zoom FREE
We still have a few seats available for tomorrow Wednesday March 24. So far we have partners and prospects from over 30 countries participating. New York is one hour ahead of Central time. California is 2 hours behind Minnesota on Central time. We start exactly at 8 AM.
The Zoom link is
Meeting ID: 824 1164 6036
Passcode: 915468
We are excited about helping you increase sales in 2021 with an action packed Congress on Zoom. The purpose is to help you grow your business and learn from successful clients and channel partners. Complimentary for all Channel Partners and those interested in being a channel partner. This is an opportunity for you to make connections with people around the world facing some of the same obstacles and problems you have. Each speaker will leave time for questions and answers.
John Tschohl Kickoff 8:00 AM How to Create Sale in a Difficult Market
Olga Ivanitckaia in St. Petersburg, Russia who has used 6 of our online learning programs in English. 8:30 AM
Corrina Linby in Australia will be on at 9 AM. By March 24 she will have at least 5 of our programs online with her own design.
Kay Valenzuela our Distributor in the Dominican Republic 9:30 AM. She will talk about how she is making sales during COVID-19
Natasha Yeeloy our Consultant from the Island of Dominca joined SQI in June 2020.President of Dominica Institute of Customer Service 10:00 AM
Oscar Marco Gomez our Distributor in Mexico City, Mexico. A major player with SQI in Mexico and Latin America. An expert on how to get in the C Suite. 10:30 AM
Derrick Webb, HR Manager with Memorial Regional Health in Craig, Colorado who has used 3 of our programs and has now received approval for the 4th program Moving Up. 11:00 AM
H. James Harrington has partnered with SQI to offer our products and services to his clients in the Middle East, China and other parts of the world. The world’s Quality Guru 11:30 AM
John Tschohl 11:55 AM Close
Join us on tomorrow Wednesday March 24. The link for the brochure is here
Please send me an email if you are participating and have not already confirmed your participation
We are limited to 100 participants.
John Tschohl
Service Quality Institute
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55420
Office 1-952-884-3311
Cell 1-612-382-5636
Ernesto and Ricardo Cabrera Tejada / GCAFactory / 3105749620 – 3102888264 – Colombia